Best Cigars of 2018
To some, coming into Iowa Cigar can be a bit overwhelming with the largest selection of premium cigars in Iowa and the upper midwest. It has been said to be like a kid in a candy store. The customers and staff at Iowa Cigar have ranked the best cigars of 2018 (irrespective of size). All of these are available at Iowa Cigar Co.
- Wise Man Maduro
- My Father La Gran Oferta
- Crowned Heads Court 2018 LE
- El Gueguense Wise Man
- Herrera Esteli Brazilian Maduro
- Montecristo Nicaraguan
- Padron 90th Maduro
- Tabernacle Havana Seed
- Casa Fernandez Anniversario 2015
- Tie between Caldwell Long Live the King Maduro & Liga 9