Largest Cigar Selection in Iowa
Proprietors Chad Airhart & Charlie Grask are pleased to offer the largest selection of premium cigars in Iowa. Originally founded as Pars & Cigars in 1996, Iowa Cigar Co. features Iowa’s premier selection and smoking lounge.
We are open every day and invite customers into our lounge for that morning cup of coffee, a quick stop on their lunch break, after work or any other times to enjoy a cigar without smoking up their homes.
In addition to having the largest selection of premium cigars in Iowa and a great lounge to enjoy a cigar in, we also offer monthly manufacturer events as well as many in-store promotions. With cigar aficionado specialists on staff to assist with product selection, we are pleased to be of service to native Iowans, those passing through or those in town on business or just visiting.
It is our utmost responsibility to provide the best possible shopping and smoking experience; one that will keep our patrons coming back time and time again.